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Self Care

Self-care is how we protect ourselves when life is difficult and things get tough.
Here are some steps to reduce negative emotions if you think you might hurt yourself:
Yes, this is a big one, and a great place to start. Find somewhere calm and quiet, close your eyes and focus ONLY on your breathing for 10-20 minutes.
Find something that you love and eat it as SLOWLY as possible, focusing on the experience of every single bite. You’ll feel better in more ways than one.
Take a power nap to reset, and try to go to sleep early that night. Tomorrow is a new day.
The best thing you can do when you’re feeling close to the edge is connect with someone you trust. If there’s no one in your life you think you can trust with an issue, contact the Crisis Text Line to speak to a real person who wants to hear and help you.
Sometimes all it takes is a short walk to clear your head. Or, give yourself 15 minutes to really sweat it out.
Set a Goal
Whether it’s an instrument you want to learn or ONE thing you want to do before you go to bed, a good goal will help you power through other challenges.
Practice Gratitude
Think of ONE thing you’re grateful for. Whenever you’re feeling a negative emotion, recall that one thing—or come up with a new one—and focus on it until it’s the only thing you can think about and the pain melts away.